Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thank you, Cozi!

So I am going to Blissdom. Yep, I am leaving my family for five whole days and going on a 10 hour road trip with two of my best girlfriends. I know sounds fun dosent it!!

I am so excited to go! I was even more excited when I found out that Cozi was going to sponsor our drive. Did I mention that...

Cozi is a FREE online family calendar, shopping list, family journal & photo collage screensaver. Simplify family life with Cozi.

What a great resource to use to keep yourself and your family organized. So a huge thank you to Cozi! I think that I'll be saying that more and more in the future as I utilize all of their great online tools.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Following my Bliss

What am I going to do to Follow My Bliss this year..... It all began with a day that I was having a pity party for myself. I was in a rut. Feeling like I was in a dead end job and going nowhere. My youngest child will be starting kindergarten this next year. I will have a ton of time on my hands. What will I do...

Then as I was in the middle of my pity party it came to me. Start a Blog about what I do ( I'm a cosmetologist) and grow it into an online empire. That will be my bliss.

There are So many ideas running through my head that I am about to explode!

What a great way to start by going to BlissDom! It will give me the skills to channel everything that is in my head and