Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Going Rogue

Thanksgiving is almost here and I am not sure if I am looking forward to it. Of course I am looking forward to my Mother-in-laws food *drool*.

The thing that I am not sure about is my Father-in-law. Whenever we are around each other lately he corners me. What with you ask??? POLITICS We are both very passionate about our views. I research things and the decisions I make are not uninformed. He as with the other men in his family just know everything (ie: my husband). He is all wrapped up in the "Parties". I on the other hand am just me, an American. I believe in the Founders of our country and the Constitution. I don't care what party you are from if you represent my views, I will vote for you.

This year I have had to ask my husband to intervene for me if his Dad starts in. DH believes as I do (smart man). So when I asked him to help me out....his response "How about you just keep your mouth shut. I will argue with my Dad and when we start yelling at each other my Mom will jump in and tell us to knock it off."

So I think that I will just take a book to read and sit in a corner. I wonder if I would be "Going Rogue" if I took my new book.......hmm


Sincerely Iowa said...

Let me know how you like the book. I'm not a Palin fan, but I plan on reading the book. Just curious, I guess.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!