Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What I learned from Blissdom Pt. 1

I Went to Blissdom! I spent 3 days there learning and 2 whole days driving there and back. Over the next few days I will give some revelations/observations that I had while I was there. It has been hard to order all of my thoughts so I decided to do this in small bits as it comes together cohesively in by brain....Here we go!

There are a lot of bloggers out there and it is a huge community. Being new to blogging I never realized how huge it is. Then to be hit with the realization that it is bigger than you ever imagined....wow.

So many blogs with so many unique names. The creativity in that room was amazing. Each individual had their own style and way to express it. Writing from the heart about thing that they were passionate about.

It was so nice to be in a place where so many people 'get you'. You can just be yourself, sit back and enjoy. Absorbing everything as it heads your way. To take it home and let the creativity run free to create something even beigger than you started with. All the while knowing that you have a huge community and tons of new friends behind you....

Now that is a great realization........


Dandy said...

I've been hearing just amazing things about it, I'm so glad you had a great time!

Corrin said...

PHEW - I'm finally here! I think it took me 5 tries to type your URL in right. :-P

It was very nice meeting you at the party. I'm still thinking about your purse!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Enjoyed meeting you on Thursday. Blissdom was overwhelming but positive for me as well and I've been blogging for a while...I am glad you enjoyed it!